Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Obama's Ramadan Blessing

From WorldNetDaily
By Joseph Farah

There's a whole lot of pretending going on in our world today.

We have a federal judge ruling that the 5,000-year-old institution of marriage was "biased" and immoral from the start because of the way it discriminated unfairly against homosexuals.

We have a Justice Department that dismissed an open-and-shut case of vigilante-style voter intimidation because the perpetrators were black and the victims white.

And we have a man in the White House who extols Islam for "advancing justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings."

That's what I call pretending.

Read the rest of this entry >>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For those who have eyes to see, the glue -- the culture, the traditions, the respect for the law, and so on -- that holds society together is being dissolved by things like political correctness, multiculturalism, diversity, and relativitism.

Soon, sooner than most imagine, the center will not be able to hold. Then what?

Lock 'n load, folks because then it may be the time to assure that we win and they -- the leftists -- lose.

Forgive me if I've been too blunt.