
Monday, August 30, 2010

What the Popes Have to Say About Socialism

One could easily get the impression from the corrupt and bloated bureaucracy that is the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, that the Church not only supports the platform of the Democrat Party, but enthusiastically embraces the socialism at the root of its policies. However, Church teaching has consistently condemned socialism since the time of Marx. Indeed, the Church proclaims the doctrine of subsidiarity -- affirming that all social bodies exist for the benefit of the individual, and that what individuals are able to do, society should not take over, and what small societies can do, larger societies should not take over.

The Church was a believer in private initiative and small, accountable government before there was a Republican Party.

Tradition, Family and Property has recently posted what the Popes have had to say on this subject over the past 150 years.

The documents quoted should be required reading in every Catholic school, and should be familiar to every Catholic adult.

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