
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Aiken GOP Censures Graham

The Aiken County Republican Party has joined other GOP county committees in approving a formal censure of Senator Lindsey Graham.

It is good that he is unwelcome to attend meetings and events organized by Republicans in a state he has betrayed, but If he had any honor he would resign. Since he lacks honor and will not resign, we think
it is time to amend the SC constitution to allow for the recall of rogue federal representatives.

As a private citizen, he should be free to advocate for the nationalization of US banks, amnesty for illegal aliens, the fingerprinting and imposition of ID cards for law abiding Americans, the appointment of Marxist lesbians to the US Supreme Court, and he can call South Carolinians racists all he wants, but he has mocked and disgraced this state far too long as one of its United States Senators.

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