
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Survey Documents American Ignorance of Religious Knowledge

When we're shocked and perplexed at how someone like Obama could become President, how Americans could even consider a mosque at Ground Zero, or how this nation could owe more money than all the money that exists in the world, we come upon statistics like these; the fruit of America's government schools.

A survey of 3,412 Americans conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has documented the extent of religious ignorance.

While 44% of Americans speak frequently with friends and family about religion,

  • only 71% could name the place of Jesus’ birth
  • 67% inaccurately believe that public school teachers are forbidden to “read from the Bible as an example of literature”
  • only 63% could name the first book of the Bible
  • only 54% could name the Muslim holy book
  • 52% of Americans think that Catholics believe that “the bread and wine are symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ,” while 45% think that Catholics believe that “the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Jesus Christ”
  • only 46% could name Martin Luther as “the person whose writings and actions inspired the Protestant Reformation”
  • only 45% could name the four Gospels
  • more Americans (28%) believe that Billy Graham participated in the First Great Awakening than that Jonathan Edwards did (11%)
  • more Americans (36%) believe that Brown v. Board of Education case-- which ended segregation in public schools-- focused on evolution than believes that the Scopes trial (which actually focused on evolution) did (31%)
  • The survey also found that

  • 69% are “absolutely certain” that God or a universal spirit exists, while 17% are “fairly certain” and 6% are atheists
  • 48% read Scripture at least monthly
  • only 59% of Americans know that the vice president of the United States is Joe Biden
  • Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.

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