
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Alvin Greene Considering Run Against Lindsey Graham in 2014

Alvin Greene - "Couldn't Be Worse Than Lindsey Graham"

Alvin Greene, who received nearly 28% of the vote in his race for U.S. Senate against Jim DeMint, has told The Daily Caller that he is mulling a possible run against Lindsey Graham in 2014. “I would have run against Graham three years ago if I wasn’t in the military,” Greene said.

For the record, we believe it is highly unlikely that Lindsey Graham will ever again be the nominee of the South Carolina Republican Party for the United States Senate. But in the event that South Carolina Republicans are foolish enough to nominate their rogue Senator for a third term, we will enthusiastically back Greene. Even he couldn't be worse than Lindsey Graham.

1 comment:

  1. It'll be interesting to see how the Tea Party influences the primary process over the next few years.
