
Friday, November 5, 2010

CNN Poll: Huckabee GOP Frontrunner, Beats Obama 52-44 Percent

We have always sensed a spark of greatness in Governor Mike Huckabee. Perhaps after another two years of gangster government in the White House, the times will find the leader America needs.

A newly-released CNN poll, conducted a few days before this past midterm election, shows President Obama in for a competitive race in 2012, with him trailing two potential Republican candidates and leading two others among registered voters.

The numbers:

Mike Huckabee leads Obama by 52%-44%. In the previous CNN poll from April, Obama led Huckabee by 54%-45%.

Mitt Romney leads Obama by 50%-45%. In the previous CNN poll from April, Obama led Romney by 53%-45%.

Obama edges out Newt Gingrich by 49%-47%. In the previous CNN poll from April, Obama led Gingrich by 55%-43%.

Obama leads Sarah Palin by 52%-44%. In the previous CNN poll from April, Obama led Palin by 55%-42%.

The survey of registered voters has a ±3% margin of error.

As for the Republican nomination, nationwide GOP voters at this early juncture give Huckabee 21%, Romney 20%, Palin 14%, Gingrich 12%, Ron Paul 7%, plus 3% each for Haley Barbour, Mike Pence and Tim Pawlenty, and 2% for Rick Santorum. This question has a ±4.5% margin of error.

1 comment:

  1. I heartily endorse your assessment, Dan.

    Are you ready for another Huckabee run? That was a wonderful campaign; I learned so much and met many exceptional Americans from across the country, including you. : )

    Maybe it's time to dust off my Catholics for Huckabee blog . . .
