
Monday, November 1, 2010

Solemnity of All Saints

The "Litany of the Saints" in the video above was prayed at the 2008 Youth Rally, celebrated in New York, in which Pope Benedict XVI met with the youth and seminarians at Saint Joseph Seminary.

The prayer is led by cantor Christi Chiapetti.

The Church gives us on this day a wonderful vision of heaven, showing us a great multitude which no one can count, of every nation and tribe, of every people and tongue, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes and with palms in their hands. Christ, His Blessed Mother, the blessed battalions distributed in nine choirs, the apostles and prophets, the martyrs crimsoned in their blood, the confessors adorned in white garments and the chaste choir of virgins form the majestic court. It is composed of all those who here below were detached from worldly riches, gentle, suffering, just, merciful, pure, peaceful and persecuted for the name of Jesus. "Rejoice, the Master had foretold them, for a great reward is prepared for you in heaven." Among those millions of the just are several of our own family, relations, friends now enjoying the fruit of their faithfulness adoring the Lord, the King of kings, and obtaining for us the abundance of His mercies.

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