
Monday, December 13, 2010

Black Conservative Group Launches Petition Drive to Remove RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, Founder and President of BOND Action, a national organization created to educate, motivate, and rally Americans to greater involvement in the moral and political issues that threaten America, announced today that his group is launching a "Michael Steele Must Go!" petition drive. Rev. Peterson was one of the first Republicans to publicly call for embattled RNC Chairman Michael Steele to step down last January, citing his financial mismanagement and lack of conservative convictions to lead the committee.

We don't have a favorite in this race yet, but one thing is clear, the national GOP needs a party builder who can raise funds, recruit quality candidates, improve the state and national party machinery, and most urgently, fix state rules governing the party nominating process.
We do not need someone who hires friends and relatives at three times the usual salaries, promotes himself, undertakes personal book tours, attacks icons of Republican thought like Rush Limbaugh, and takes the bows on election night after contributing absolutely nothing to the final outcome.

The time has come for the GOP national committee to elect a Republican spokesperson who can lead the the party to full control of the Congress and the White House and a national redirection toward small, accountable, constitutional government.

To sign Reverend Peterson's petition
click here.

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