
Friday, December 10, 2010

In Paradisum Deducant Te Angeli

My dear Friends,
My mother, Dorothy Risebrow Cassidy, died peacefully yesterday morning after a long illness.

Your prayers for the repose of her soul and for our family will be greatly appreciated.

In Christ,



  1. Dear Dan,

    Our prayers and sympathy for your great loss. Requiescat in pace.

    Very best regards,

    Julie and Rob Collorafi

  2. Dear Dan,

    I didn't have the pleasure of knowing your dear mother and am so very sorry at your loss.

    I must tell you, though, Dan, that surely something very special can be seen in her by virtue of the immense and deep faith that permeates this wonderful blog of yours.

    You have been and continue you to be an indispensable point of reference for us and wonderful example of Catholic orthodoxy, true conservative thought and American patriotism in an age where all three have been called into question by their cheap counterfeit imitations.

    So, Dan, God bless you and thanks for your example and may the soul of your mother, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

    Keep up the good fight.


