
Monday, January 24, 2011

Nearly Half of NH College's Student Body Travels to DC, Marches for Life

Nearly half of the student body from the Thomas More College of Liberal Arts made the 10 hour trek south to Washington, DC to attend the 2011 March for Life.

“Students left campus at 6:30 last night and arrived in Washington early this morning,” said Annie Clark, Thomas More College’s Director of Student Life.  “We are returning to New Hampshire in just a few hours.  We will be away from campus for 36 hours, and 21 of those hours will have been on a bus—all because we think it is vitally important to stand for life.”

“I am proud of our students,” said Thomas More College President Dr. William Fahey. “This is a tremendous act of bearing witness to the culture of life.  Our College’s commitment to defend the sanctity of life can be clearly seen in the actions of its students.  I am confident that young people like this will lead in our country the renewal of culture.”

Thomas More College students were heartened to join so many others who were eager to make their voices heard on the issue of life.

“What is particularly encouraging is that so many people struggled to get here and are standing in cold weather so they can send a strong message to government officials,” said Thomas More College senior Adam Lyczewski.

Adam is an immigrant from Poland, and he saw many similarities in the March for Life to his own country’s history.

“I was born and raised in Poland,” said Adam. “This reminds me of my own country’s Solidarity Movement where people came together to fight for a good and just cause.”

Thomas More College chaplain, Rev. Richard Kelley, has been to the March for Life 15 times.  “The fight for life has been a long and arduous battle, but I am deeply encouraged by the number of young people I see today.  With colleges like Thomas More instilling in young people a commitment to the sanctity of human life, I believe the future will be on our side.”

Students attending Thomas More College are given a deep appreciation and understanding of the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death, said Dr. Fahey.  “As part of our curriculum, students develop an understanding of the life issue on both the philosophical and theological levels so they are prepared to defend their position in the public square.”

Thomas More College students are regularly seen engaging the pro-life cause throughout New England and in Washington, DC.  Thomas More students pray in front of abortion clinics, attend marches and rallies, and assist pro-life charities throughout the region.  Each year, classes are cancelled so that students are able to travel to Washington to attend the annual March for Life.

The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts provides a four-year undergraduate education which develops young people intellectually, ethically, and spiritually in the Catholic tradition and in faithfulness to the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.  Thomas More College introduces its students to the central questions of Western Civilization—and to the Church’s response.  It teaches students how to reason, engage in academic discourse, and to write.  Students from Thomas More College are shaped into becoming faithful leaders who will be able to pursue the individual vocations which God has given each of them.

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