
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Homosexualists to Force Anglican Church Weddings in UK

After this legislation goes through the homosexualists will set about hounding every priest and vicar who dares to decline them 

By Father Dwight Longenecker

Father Dwight Longenecker
England's Daily Telegraph reports here that parliament is preparing legislation to remove the ban on same-sex civil unions being religious. Some years back when they began to allow same-sex civil unions, they made it clear that these ceremonies could not be held in religious premises and were not to include religious elements in any way.

But, of course, the homosexualists complained that this still contravened their civil rights and, because they were not allowed to be "married in church," they were being treated as second class citizens. So now, bowing to their demands, the lawmakers are to allow the same-sex union ceremonies to be religious and for religious leaders to make their premises available for these rituals.

No one will be forced to conduct such services or make their premises available for such service. Oh no, such a thing would never be forced on anyone. Not in modern Britain. No sir. That would never happen, now would it?

It just happens that the homosexualists in Britain are busy, on the other hand, suing anybody they can find who denies them their "rights" -- even to the point of setting them up. So this nice Christian couple who have been running a Bed and Breakfast in a seaside town in Cornwall for years and took joy in welcoming especially a Christian family clientele are being sued by a homosexual couple because they were refused a double room.

The allegations are that the homosexual men knew the stance the couple took (it was advertised on their website) and booked a room there on purpose to push their case. They went to court, and the Christian couple lost.

Anybody, therefore, who thinks that it will stop with permission for homosexuals to have their civil unions in church buildings with religious elements if they want to (but nobody will have to if they don't want to) is seriously deluded. After this legislation goes through, the homosexualists will set about hounding every priest and vicar who dares to decline them the opportunity to conduct their same-sex marriages, and take them to court.

Where will the Church of England stand on all this? The Church of England says they don't allow same-sex unions in church, but certain renegade Anglican vicars are defying both the law of their church and the law of the land to conduct same-sex unions in their churches. They get around it by calling it a "blessing," so Adam and Steve go to the registry office for their civil union, and then they tootle along to the parish church where Rev. Lav "blesses" their union. While there are many more vicars who do not conduct the services, a good number are in favor and many more 'don't really mind.'

We shouldn't be too smug about the Brits being any worse than we are. Because of their stronger national government, it is more nationwide, but in the USA there are plenty of states that already allow same-sex civil unions, and most of the mainstream liberal Protestant denominations are already well into same-sex "marriage." The attempts at lawsuits against people infringing homosexualists' "rights" are also gathering strength.

Get ready. 
Fr Dwight Longenecker is parish priest of Our Lady of the Rosary parish and chaplain to St Joseph's Catholic School in Greenville, South Carolina. Visit his blog and website at

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