
Monday, February 21, 2011

Huckabee Charges 'Class Warfare'

Mike Huckabee berated Obama for his involvement in the Wisconsin labor protests.  
AP Photo
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee berated President Obama on Friday for his "unfortunate involvement" in the Wisconsin labor protests.

In a Fox News interview, Huckabee said Obama is "trying to make this class warfare," out of a bill that would eliminate the collective bargaining rights of public sector workers in an effort to reduce the budget deficit.

"This is a president who would not be sitting in that office were it not for public sector unions who rallied for him in a significant way," Huckabee said. "He didn't have to go this far."

The former presidential contender told Fox News that Obama has been unduly influenced by public sector unions, and that he is now asking taxpayers to foot the bill for an overrun in pension and benefit costs.

"The president however, at risk of being indelicate, he's had more sleep-over's from Andy Stern at the SEIU than any other guest at the White House," Huckabee said.

"If the states go bankrupt, the people who want an extra 10 dollars will be losing thousands of dollars," he said.

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