
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Patrick Haddon Running for SC GOP Chairman

Patrick Haddon
Greenville County Republican Chairman, Patrick Haddon, today announced he will seek the chairmanship of the South Carolina Republican Party.  Haddon, who is also the First Vice Chairman of the South Carolina GOP, is the immediate past State Chairman of the South Carolina Federation of Young Republicans. 

Patrick Haddon's campaign website is here, and today's announcement follows:
I’m Patrick Haddon, and I’m running for Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party. This is a pivotal time in our state and nation as more and more people are paying attention to how the government affects their daily lives. We must come together as a party to harness that energy of discontentment to bring about conservative change. Each and every voice truly does matter and can make a difference. The Republican Party is the party of the people.

The Republican brand has value. Protecting what it means to be a Republican and educating our voters on why conservatism makes sense is vital to our organization. We must be bold in standing up for what is right and be a resource to our officials in office who are fighting the good fight. This will start at home, building our grassroots involvement from each individual precinct on up. Many of you have done this. You have worked faithfully towards the 2010 victories nationally, state-wide, and locally. Thank you for your work. We must continue your efforts to put conservatives in office and build the Republican brand to coincide with that goal.

Presidential hopefuls are already visiting South Carolina on a weekly basis. As Chairman I will fight to protect South Carolina’s First in the South primary. Having a strong organization is central to keeping our primary first. We must have the operational funding to do this. I can lead us in that effort and am on-track to have raised over $100,000 by my term’s end as Chairman of the Greenville County Republican Party. Also, the Southern Republican Leadership Conference is coming to South Carolina. Republicans and conservatives from all over the country will be coming to our state to learn, network, and plan for a 2012 victory. This is a chance to bring activists from all over our state together with conservative leaders to ignite our plan for Victory in 2012. As Chairman, I will work tirelessly to promote and protect what it means to be a Republican in South Carolina as we grow our organization and keep South Carolina’s importance on the national scale.

Let’s seize this window of opportunity to build a more conservative, unified GOP in South Carolina.

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