
Monday, February 14, 2011

Philip Johnson is a Seminarian for the Diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina

He has terminal brain cancer and is an extraordinary witness to how God brings good out of evil.   

On the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes last Friday, he delivered the following message to students at St. Thomas More Academy in Raleigh. You will want to pray for this extraordinary apostle.

Mr. Johnson concludes with the following prayer of Saint Bernadette.  It requests graces that God has clearly showered on his life and ministry.
O my God, I beg You, by Your loneliness, not that You may spare me affliction, but that You may not abandon me in it. When I encounter affliction, teach me to see You in it as my sole Comforter. Let affliction strengthen my faith, fortify my hope, and purify my love. Grant me the grace to see Your Hand in my affliction, and to desire no other comforter but You. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. What an inspiring young man with a powerfully important message. Thanks Daniel.
