
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Schumer and Graham: Partners in Amnesty

Senator Lindsey Graham "reaching across the aisle" to Senator Charles Schumer

With reports that the worst Republican Senator is teaming up with New York Senator Charles Schumer on a new amnesty bill for illegal immigrants, we have only one question about Lindsey Graham: "who is blackmailing him?"  As the following story indicates, Grahamnesty has destroyed himself in the eyes of South Carolina Republican primary voters.

South Carolina should amend its constitution to allow for recall of the scoundrel canceling out Senator Jim DeMint's votes; fortunately there are many distinguished prospects for his seat in 2014 -- Henry McMaster, Joe Wilson, Bill Connor, among others.  We will enthusiastically support the Republican who has the best chance of defeating him.

PPP Poll: Lindsey Graham Trails Joe Wilson In Possible 2014 Senate Primary
From TPM
By Eric Kleefeld
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who has both bad-mouthed and praised the Tea Party movement in the past, isn't up for re-election until 2014. But when that comes, a new survey from Public Policy Polling (D) finds that Graham could be quite vulnerable in his Republican primary -- against Congressman Joe "You Lie" Wilson!

The poll finds that only 42% of the state's Republican primary voters approve of Graham's performance, with 40% disapproving. And in a hypothetical primary against Wilson, who famously shouted out "You lie!" during a speech on health care by President Obama to Congress, it doesn't look good for Graham: Wilson gets 43% of the votes, and Graham gets 41%. The margin of error ±4.1%.

"Lindsey Graham should thank God his next race is not until 2014," writes PPP president Dean Debnam. "He'd be in good shape in November, but at this rate, he'd be lucky to survive that far."

On the other hand, Graham does lead former Gov. Mark Sanford by a margin of 52%-34%. Unfortunately for Sanford, while he might have a lot of experience campaigning in Buenos Aires and on the Appalachian Trail, those voters likely aren't eligible to participate in South Carolina elections.

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