
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Billboard Company: You Can Question God, Not Obama

 ClearChannel banned 'birth certificate' message, welcomes atheists national outdoor ad campaign

For Clear Channel Communications, one of the largest media conglomerates in the U.S., it's apparently OK to question God on billboards going up around the country, but not OK to question Barack Obama. 

That's the observation of WND's Joseph Farah, the force behind a 2-year-old billboard campaign that doesn't even mention Obama's name, but merely asks, "Where's the birth certificate?" While ClearChannel refused to run those ads, along with two other major outdoor advertising companies, Lamar and CBS, ClearChannel is making its inventory of billboards available to the overtly anti-God humanist Center for Inquiry's "Living Without Religion" campaign kicking off this week in Indianapolis, Houston and other major cities.

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