
Monday, March 21, 2011

Jim DeMint's Blind Spot: Mitt Romney

We have great admiration and gratitude for Senator Jim DeMint's principled leadership  in the United States Senate.  But as the following commentary clearly points out, he has a "blind spot" named Willard "Mitt" Romney.  We respectfully urge Senator DeMint  not to tarnish an otherwise sterling reputation as a principled conservative by repeating a mistake he made in 2008 - by endorsing in 2012 a charlatan who has been on every side of the great moral issues of our day -- abortion and same-sex "marriage."

South Carolina Republican voters rejected the former Massachusetts governor in 2008, and his record of promoting socialized medicine, taxpayer-financed abortion on demand, and being responsible for actually implementing same-sex "marriage" in that state, is even better known now. The stakes for the future of our republic are too high to settle for a candidate who offers "less of the same" bankrupt and immoral policies pushed by Obama.

Please, Senator DeMint, we can forgive 2008, but there are no acceptable excuses for repeating that mistake.

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