
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pro-Life Flash Mob in Chicago Surprises "Walk for Choice"

"Walk for Choice" protests took place on February 26 in several U.S. cities to protest H.R. 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, sponsored by U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and cosponsored by 209 more House lawmakers.

As a response to the "Walk for Choice," anonymous teens and young adults organized a "Pro-Life Flash Mob" over the span of a few days. The goal of the event was not to counter-protest, but to give a positive message of joy and life to Chicago.

The youth assembled inconspicuously around the plaza before the rally hiding their giant yellow balloons in black trash bags. When the "Walk for Choice" had assembled, the youth prompted by music coming from a backpack sound system then proceeded to unveil the helium balloons imprinted with the word "LIFE."

This raw videos shows the "Pro-Life Flash Mob" taking the "pro-choicers" by surprise with Life, Spirit, and Truth!

The first scene shows the unsuspecting participants of the "Walk for Choice." The "Shire" theme song is coming from the Pro-Life flash mob, just before they unveiled their hundreds of yellow balloons imprinted with "LIFE".

Taking a playful jab at the color theme of the "Walk for Choice," the Pro-Life flash mob asks in their sign: "ORANGE YOU GLAD TO SEE US???"

Which side has more joy?

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