
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why Walker Won't Back Down

By Clay Barbour

Gov. Scott Walker announces his controversial budget repair bill last month. Despite daily protests and dwindling public support, Walker remains resolute in his push to curb collective bargaining rights for public employees to give government more flexibility in budgeting.
The crowds are angry, the polls unfavorable, but Gov. Scott Walker has so far refused to compromise on key pieces of his controversial budget repair bill.

Such resolve would be impressive in a politician with the resume of a Tommy Thompson or Russ Feingold, but it's a little shocking for a governor with just eight weeks under his belt.

Except, when it comes to Walker, it isn't.

"Anyone who thinks he will change his mind has another thing coming," said Milwaukee County Supervisor Joe Sanfelippo, a Walker ally during his tenure as county executive. "He ignores the polls and the protests and does what he thinks is right. And I can tell you, he will not give in."

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