
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trump Accomplishes What Others Could Not

Whether the birth certificate finally presented by the Obama administration is genuine or not, Donald Trump deserves great credit in forcing Obama to do something that the Clintons, retired federal judges and attorneys could not.

One question among others remaining is why did Obama go to such great lengths and expense to withhold the document for so long?  Was it just another of his Alinsky tactics to create chaos and destabilize America and her political process?  And why does the media refuse to ask such questions and ridicule those that do? 

In the wake of 9/11, Americans are required to present birth certificates, social security cards, and other documents to obtain a drivers license.  Why should we not require such documentation from those who aspire to lead the nation?  We hope that Donald Trump will continue to ask questions about the mysterious background of this president -  a president who has a social security number issued to a state in which he has never lived, and who claims to have studied at Columbia, yet not a single faculty member or student has ever been found who remembers seeing the young Obama.

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