
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

In Joyful Thanksgiving for This 60th Anniversary of Pope Benedict's Priestly Ordination

"I give thanks to my God in every remembrance of you."

In just over six years, Pope Benedict has become a powerful, universal force for good  --  in his clear and compelling proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; in battling the "dictatorship of moral relativism;" in affirming the "hermeneutic of continuity;" in the historic new partnership with the Orthodox; in uniting separated brethren; in healing more recent wounds within the Church; in restoring liturgical beauty and reverence, and in the marshaling of a new and zealous evangelization.  

With gentleness and humility, the Universal Shepherd is renewing the Church and building the Kingdom of God in extraordinary ways.  But on this day, we give thanks to God that he has been, across the span of 60 years, a faithful alter Christus in the vineyard of the Lord.  May the Church be blessed with his leadership for many, many more years.  Viva Il Papa!  Long Live the Pope!

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