
Monday, June 27, 2011

Obama's Gropers Remove 95 Year-Old Dying Woman's Diaper

When the Congress gets around to planning and funding the next presidential transition and inauguration, we hope they will ensure that The One and his family will be forced to fly commercial on their trip home to Chicago, Hawaii or Kenya.  We have no doubt that these outrages and humiliations are intended to soften up the people for far more serious oppression, but it's the high-living Obama family that should experience the last government groping.

Lena Reppert and her daughter Jean Weber celebrate St. Patrick's Day in New Orleans in 2010. TSA agents stopped the elderly woman and made her remove her Depends before she boarded a flight, according to her daughter.

From Fox News
An elderly woman in the late-stages of leukemia was forced to undergo 45 minutes of additional screenings last Saturday when she tried to board a flight out of Northwest Florida Regional Airport, her daughter told

Lena Reppert, 95, was to say her final goodbyes to her daughter before she made what would most likely be her last flight to her native Michigan. After eight years of battling leukemia, doctors say she doesn’t have much time to live.

“She said she wanted to be closer to her grave,” Jean Weber, her daughter, told “I knew it would probably be the last time I ever see her.”


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