
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Another Opportunity for Obama to Sabotage the Anglo-American Alliance

It was another opportunity for the Obama Administration to show their contempt for the historic "special relationship" between the United Kingdom and the United States; and it was an opportunity America's ambassador to the Court of Saint James seized when he snubbed a major dinner at London's Guildhall last night honoring Ronald Reagan's centenary.  As reported by the London Evening Standard, the event boasted four British Cabinet ministers, an ex-Prime Minister, nine US congressmen, a senator and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice."

We have not minced words in expressing our contempt for the current American leadership.  But we wonder if these repeated insults to America's most faithful ally are an expression of new U.S. foreign policy, another opportunity for this Marxist president to deliberately sabotage America's strength and role in the world, or just the fruit of a government in the hands of vulgar, classless thugs who just don't know how to behave in polite company, much less on the world stage.  We suspect they are a result of all three, and further proof, were any needed, that this vile, anti-American regime must be removed root and stem from every office of government at the first opportunity.
The riddle of the missing US ambassador as London toasts Ronald Reagan centenary
Missing man: American ambassador Louis B Susman hosted a VIP breakfast but did not attend the celebration dinner.
From The London Evening Standard
By Joe Murphy, Political Editor
It was one of the most glittering events of the year, attracting some of the greatest names in American and British politics.
But as the British roasted lamb and the sunny Californian chardonnay were cleared away, one notable absence was the hottest topic among guests at the Guildhall dinner in honour of Ronald Reagan's centenary.

Where was the American ambassador to London, Louis B Susman?

He had, it soon transpired, been invited. But despite a guest list that boasted four British Cabinet ministers, ex-Prime Minister, nine US congressmen and a senator and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, there was no sign of President Obama's representative in London.

And in a warm atmosphere evoking the closest days of the special Anglo-US relationship of the Eighties, the surprise at Mr Susman's absence turned to annoyance.

"Our ambassador should be here," said Lynn de Rothschild, the American entrepreneur who is married to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and was one of Hillary Clinton's key fundraisers in 2008 as well as a supporter of several Republican presidential candidates. "This was an historic dinner to mark Reagan's centenary and to celebrate him as the man who ended the Cold War. What could not be more important?

"Why is our ambassador not here on Independence Day? No excuse. How is it that America is not represented in this room by our ambassador? It is appalling that no representative of our government is in this room. This has the feel of petty partisanship."

Where indeed? Mr Susman had been at the unveiling of a statue of Reagan in Grosvenor Square earlier in the day, and had hosted a generous breakfast for the entire VIP visiting party and the military band, so he had certainly not snubbed the grand centenary events. According to the US embassy spokesman: "Ambassador Susman was pleased to be invited to the dinner but was unable to attend."

Mr Susman missed some sparkling speeches and anecdotes, announced by trumpet blasts, including Foreign Secretary William Hague recounting a gem from the Royal Wedding: "I told an Arab Ambassador, 'look, a million people are heading for the palace - and we're totally relaxed'." London MP Greg Hands said: "It was a non-partisan occasion to celebrate a great American and President's 100th birthday."

Among the VIPs were John Major, Defence Secretary Liam Fox, who sat next to Ms Rice, Home Secretary Theresa May, Commons leader Sir George Young, former ambassador Robert Tuttle, ex-California governor Pete Wilson and the company heads of BP and Visa.

The menu reflected the Anglo-US alliance, starting with a bouquet of English asparagus, organic smoked salmon, baby leaf salad and dill hollandaise, followed by duet of new season lamb, served with Beringer chardonnay from the Napa Valley and Peachy Canyon zinfandel, also from California.

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