
Friday, July 15, 2011

Gary Glenn to Explore U.S. Senate Race Against Stabenow

The best political news we've heard in years!  Our friend, mentor and contributing editor of Sunlit Uplands has announced he is considering a race for the United States Senate against Debbie Stabenow.  This will offer the voters of Michigan the clearest choice they have had in decades, should be the most important race for every patriot concerned about the direction of our country, and knowing Gary's extraordinary political skills, will be great fun to watch.

Gary is a true Christian leader, a gentleman and a patriot.  Michigan has the opportunity to do something great for America in this race.

Dear family and friends,

I jumped off the high dive today.  But if we don't all do something to stop it, our country as we know it is on the brink of being lost, and I feel compelled to do whatever I can to help protect and preserve for our kids what we all love about America.

Lord willing, I can get there and help men like Jim DeMint, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee demand and fight for restoration of the limited government principles of our Constitution.    

Please check out my new website:

And please be sure to visit this page of the site in particular(Thank you in advance!)

Please also keep Annette and the kids and me in your prayers in the months ahead, as we face this challenge together.  We deeply appreciate your love, friendship, and support...

Salute, and thanks!

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