
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Perry is No Star in the Lone-Star State

In 2006, on the eve of midterm elections, President George W. Bush and Gov. Rick Perry attended a party rally in Dallas.
In Texas there is a popular saying that "you dance with the one that brung you."  But that doesn't apply to the state's governor who will say or do anything to hide what he is and get where he wants to be.  He's in the process of saying of his longtime friend and mentor, George W. Bush, "I don't know the man."    So it's not surprising that those who know him best are the least likely to support his possible candidacy for the Presidency.

"President Barack Obama loses Texas to every notable Republican except Perry and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. If the ballot came down to Perry and Obama, 47 percent of poll respondents said they would vote for Obama. Forty-five percent said they would cast a ballot for Perry."

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