
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Catholic College Identity Guide '11 Published

The National Catholic Register has published its updated "Catholic College Identity Guide '11," with 31 of the nation's Catholic colleges answering these questions:
1. Did the president make the public profession of faith and take the oath of fidelity?
2. Is the majority of the board of trustees Catholic?
3. Is the majority of the faculty Catholic?
4. Do you publicly require all Catholic theology professors to have the mandatum?
5. Did all Catholic theology professors take the oath of fidelity?
6. Do you provide daily Mass and posted times (at least weekly) for individual confession?
7. Do you exclude advocates of abortion, euthanasia or cloning as commencement speakers or recipients of
honorary degrees?
8. Do you exclude sponsoring pro-abortion campus groups?
9. Do you exclude coed dorms?
10. Do your student health services exclude referrals to abortion businesses?
If a college calling itself "Catholic" is not on the list, it is probably Catholic in name only and guilty of false advertising for the sake of alumni donations.  Buyer beware.

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