
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ron Paul Ad Tells the Truth About Rick Perry

Ron Paul is taking on Rick Perry in a new television ad blasting the Texas governor for his support of Al Gore’s 1988 presidential campaign.

The six-figure ad buy, and one of the first negative ads to attack Perry,  contrasts Paul’s endorsement of Ronald Reagan in 1980 with Perry’s role as the Texas chairman for Gore’s first presidential campaign.

We're not endorsing any candidate yet, but this blog will most definitely not be supporting Rick Perry or Mitt Romney. American can and must do far better; Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and Michelle Bachmann are much better -- and genuine conservatives.

Please tell us what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Superlative ad, in my opinion---very effective use of understatement. I very much respect the way Ron Paul stays focused like a laser beam on the issues without getting distracted by petty details.

    Re: the other candidates, I very much appreciate Bachmann's sound fiscal and social conservatism and her gutsy, articulate and intelligent demeanor. She is a very classy lady, in my opinion, but I'm not as enamored of her love for Israel and her flagrantly pro-war attitude.

    Ditto for Rick Santorum who is good on the moral issues, but is hopelessly fixated on endless wars in the Middle East and bringing foreign despots to justice while here at home our economy and infrastructure are collapsing all around us.

    Ron Paul is, in my opinion, the candidate with
    the BEST plan to save us from our present dire financial predicament.

    What I like most about Ron Paul is that you know there will be no ugly surprises or flip-flopping if he becomes president. He has three decades of legislative experience and every vote is in line with his consistent, well-reasoned principles. He is a constitutionalist through and through and what's more, he is devoted to teaching his doctrine of constitutional guaranteed liberty to anyone who will listen.

    It's so rare to find a politician who is actually eager to explain in detail what he believes and who wants to empower the people through knowledge of our founding documents.

    Besides that, Ron Paul is a man of sterling character who exhibits charity, patience and humility to all despite sometimes intense provocation. He has tremendous presence of mind and an acute shrewdness and intelligence. I like to think he's something of a mix between Calvin Coolidge or Ronald Reagan.

    Despite his diminutive stature Ron Paul is a giant in our midst and I'm convinced Dr. Paul has the best antidote to the crisis we are in and will bring America back to her feet again if given the chance.

    Julie Collorafi
