
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ron Paul Wins Straw Poll at California GOP State Convention

The campaign of GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul, who decisively won the California Republican state GOP straw poll Saturday, spent $25,000 on the effort — one his backers say displayed a “depth of support” and organizational strength for Paul in the 2012 campaign.

Ron Paul Receives Rock Star Welcome at CA GOP State Convention

Paul’s commanding win gave him 44.9 percent of the 883 votes cast by attendees at the 3-day state convention at the JW Marriott Hotel here. Coming in second was Texas Gov. Rick Perry with 29.3 percent, followed by a dramatic drop-off for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney at 8.8 percent. Rep. Michele Bachmann came in an embarrassing fourth, with 7.7 percent. The rest of the GOP presidential pack hardly made a ripple: former Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman (2 percent), former Godfather Pizza CEO Herman Cain (1.8 percent), and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich coming in even after the pizza exec (1.7 percent).

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