
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

180 Movie on Abortion Goes Viral, 500K Views in One Week

By Steven Ertelt
The new pro-life movie 180 has become an overnight sensation as nearly half a million people have watched the 33-minute pro-life documentary in just one week since director and producer Ray Comfort released it to the public.

The film is changing public opinion on abortion 180 degrees in a matter of minutes as it shows Comfort asking pro-abortion students questions that change their views quickly. Titled to reflect the complete turnaround in the mindsets of all to whom the question is posed, the award-winning film shows eight “pro-choice” people, mostly college students, changing their stance to pro-life just moments after the question is asked in its entirety. It was Comfort’s hope that the documentary would go viral and it appears to have done so.

That has happened — with the video getting more than 500,000 views after it was featured at LifeNews and elsewhere across the Internet. Viewers have left 7,500 comments — with people saying they changed their minds on abortion or regretted the abortions they had had.

“I confess, I have committed 7 murders! GOD forgive me, I will never NEVER AGAIN trivialize abortion. NEVER again will I agree with the lie,” one person said while another viewer added, “From someone that been Pro-choice this video changed my view on life completely.”

“I was always pro-choice and now I am pro-life after watching such a powerful video,” a third viewer said and a fourth added, “It changed my mind and made me aware that I’ve got to make a stand on this issue.”

A Facebook comment had one viewer saying, “My husband and I have always disagreed about the right to life for the unborn. After watching 180 today he has had a change of heart and now wants to protect children in the womb. Thank you for this amazing gift.”

The 180 movie has been commended by Kay Arthur, Joni Eareckson Tada, Kirk Cameron, Francis Chan, and many other Christian leaders. Mark Hall, the singer of the band Casting Crowns saw the short film and said, “This short documentary has totally rocked my world this week. PLEASE check it out…I dare you to watch 180.”

Comfort, in a new email to supporters of the film, says he “would love” to hear from more people about how it changed their hearts of minds on the issue, adding, “I would also be grateful if you could send this information throughout your network of constituents and followers, post about it on Facebook, Twitter, and embed the video on your website or add a link to”

Comfort also talked about the movie in a new interview with the Christian Post about the question he posed to students about what they would do if confronted with a situation in 1943 in Germany where an SS officer asked them to use a bulldozer to bury alive in a mass grave 300 Jews who had just been shot, some of whom were still alive.

“I was surprised that so many said that they could bury another person alive. I felt sickened, but at the same time I don’t know if I believed others when they quickly said that they would take the bullet, rather than do it,” said Comfort in a recent interview made available to The Christian Post. “I guess it takes a lot of soul-searching. It certainly is a character-test for each of us.”

Comfort told the publication he was shocked by other responses he got.

“I would begin an interview by asking the question ‘Have you heard of Adolf Hitler?’ If they said, ‘No,’ I had the difficult task of getting them on camera,” Comfort said. “It was hard to hide my shock that anyone didn’t know who Hitler was, and the moment they suspected that they should know about him they refused because they felt foolish. So there were a number of interviews I missed out on because of that.”

“Still, we were able to get 14 people on-camera, mainly university students, who didn’t have a clue who Adolf Hitler was,” Comfort said. “The swing from the Holocaust to abortion was fairly seamless because it came in the form of a question: ’How do you feel about abortion?’

“Then came ‘Do you think it’s a baby in the womb?’ If they said that they thought it was a baby in the womb, I asked if they could think of any justification for taking its life. The only people who became angry were the two women who had painted their bodies silver. After one admitted that she couldn’t kill Jews but other people should have the right to kill them, she must have realized what she had just said. She then became angry, and walked off. However, each of the others were genuinely moved by the interview.”

“After giving them some knowledge that made them change their minds, I realized that so many have been brainwashed and that all they need is information to give them another perspective.”

1 comment:

  1. Just watched the video! great stuff. I happened to have a positive prolife song I have for for a free download at my website.

    “Tiny Hands” is a song I wrote and recorded all in a single day after praying that God would give me a song to help save the lives of babies. You may download it for free here:

    Thanks, Daniel
