
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Briton is a Role Model for Persecuted Christians

Adrian Smith has plucked up the courage to sue his employer, writes Milo Yiannopoulos

From the Catholic Herald (UK)
By Milo Yiannopoulos

Adrian Smith is a role model for modern Britain’s persecuted Christians

Thank the Lord that Adrian Smith, the man shamefully demoted and humiliated in one of the most outrageous assaults on private Christian conscience in recent memory, has plucked up the fortitude to sue his employers.

Quite right too. Smith, a housing working in Manchester, was sacked from his job and shunted down into a much more junior – and less well paid – job, because he had the temerity to suggest that marriage perhaps ought to be between a man and a woman.

He did so privately, and on his own Facebook page, but was disciplined by Trafford Housing Trust for breaching its “code of conduct”. I dread to think of the endless, politically correct garbage that “code of conduct” must consist of. No doubt if he had tweeted, “I’m not entirely sure that the Trust needs all these Diversity Support Officers,” he’d have found himself in similarly hot water.

“Diverse” in modern Britain is of course a funny word. One of the most toxic effects of the last government’s demented equality and diversity crusade was the marginalisation of the ordinary, hard-working Christian people who are the economic and social glue that – just about – keeps this country together.

Catholic clergy in particular are subjected to the most appalling abuse and ridicule while Christians in need abroad are barely mentioned by the press.

It is persecution, plain and simple: as Cristina Odone wrote in the Telegraph following Smith’s demotion, “Being taken for a cretin, a creationist and a chauvinist is not much better than a spell in the stocks.”

How depressing that it is only Christian journalists and popular but slightly comic figures like Ann Widdecombe who are prepared to call the government to account for ignoring the persecution of Christians both here and abroad, while withdrawing aid from countries who persecute homosexuals. And how shameful that our ruling class’s morality seems to be so easily swayed by prevailing Left-wing fashions.

So it’s right that Adrian Smith’s persecution should have made the headlines. His courage should be applauded. And bravo, too, to the Mail on Sunday for sticking up for what can only be described as Britain’s last remaining persecuted minority: us.

I sense sympathy from the general public, even from non-Christians, for Smith’s plight. With any luck, the quiet but resolute fightback I have been hoping for is about to commence.

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