
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Haley Raises Funds from Texas Insurance Industry Regulated by Former Appointee

A Texas newspaper reported on Wednesday that Governor Nikki Haley traveled to Texas in September to attend a fundraiser organized for her benefit by Eleanor Kitzman, former Executive Director of the South Carolina Budget and Control Board.  Kitzman left her $174,000-a-year post in Columbia after only six months when she was appointed Texas Insurance Commissioner by Governor Rick Perry.  Kitzman has overseen the highly regulated insurance industry for only three months.

The Texas Observer reports that most of the $35,000 raised by Haley from Texas donors in the last quarter has come from that state's insurance industry.  It also suggests that  "Kitzman’s Texas fundraising for Haley could be aimed at currying favor for Perry with the governor of a state with a January primary that could make or break Perry’s presidential run."  A copy of the E-mail invitation may be seen here.

As with her fundraising trip to New Jersey on September 28, Haley did not include the Texas fundraising junket on her official schedule.  

Who knew that a national shakedown tour for political contributions is what Haley had in mind when she promised greater investment in South Carolina?  If this is the "face of the new South," we'll take the old one, thank you very much.

1 comment:

  1. She simply seems unable to tell the truth about anything.

    She generally withholds facts, then when she gives them they are designed for misinformation.

    I voted for her in the primary and I am ashamed that I did.
