
Sunday, October 9, 2011

"The State" of the Mainstream Media

As our readers will recall, last Thursday we broke a story about yet another out-of-state trip by Governor Nikki Haley to raise personal and/or campaign cash.  That story was echoed that same day by two other South Carolina blogs to whom we sent the post -- SC Hotline and FITSNews.  We appreciate their posts, E-mail blasts and the links they provided back to us.

Two days later, not one, but two reporters with The State newspaper published our news story as their own, without attribution.  That story was then echoed by radio and TV news outlets around South Carolina.  We're pleased to help a once-great MSM relic in its death throes, but the least they could do is provide attribution to their news sources.  As we stated in a comment on their website, "This is the reason blogs like mine will soon be posting The State's obit."

Friends, forget yesterday's media and get the news while it's still news.

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