
Monday, November 21, 2011

Socialists Out in Spain

Supporters of the conservative Popular Party celebrated their victory in Spanish elections on Sunday.  The "Z" on the sign refers to Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the current prime minister.
Spaniards struggling with high unemployment and a credit squeeze delivered a punishing verdict on almost eight years of Socialist government at the ballot box on Sunday, turning to the conservative Popular Party in the hopes of alleviating the pain of Europe’s debt crisis

With 99.8 percent of the vote counted Sunday night, the Popular Party, led by Mariano Rajoy, had won 186 seats and a governing majority in the 350-seat lower house of Parliament, while the governing Socialists plummeted to 110 seats from 169. It was the Popular Party’s best showing, and the Socialists’ worst, since Spain’s return to democracy in the 1970s. 

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