
Friday, December 16, 2011

Haley and Romney - Desperate Soul-Mates Find One Another

Nikki Haley's mask of reform, accountability and transparency has given way to her real purpose in government --  cash, perks and power.  So her endorsement of the ultimate RINO, Mitt Romney, does nothing for him and only reinforces the conviction that she must be a one term governor -- if she manages to make it that long.  

South Carolinians know that the only thing transparent about this administration is the Governor's own lack of character and commitment to authentic conservative government.  With only 34.6 percent approval in South Carolina, Nikki Haley must be hoping a Romney administration will rescue her from an aware and aroused electorate.  But that electorate, spearheaded by the Tea Party movement, sees these two soul-mates for what they are -- the sort of hollow RINOs who have brought America to the brink of disaster.  As another RINO Governor used to say, these two are "perfect together." Fortunately, their day is over.


  1. At this rate I wonder if she'll be able to get nominated next go-round.

  2. OK,then who are you supporting for the nomination?

  3. I am proud to be the Greenville County Chair for the only consistent, experienced and principled conservative in the race, Rick Santorum.

  4. Daniel, we have been friends for years and I certainly understand your support for Rick Santorum I even understand your views about the Governor, what I have problem with is your comments about Gov. Romney...if your goal is to win back the white house in 2012 then you need to support the only candidate that can actually win...we may not like everything about a particular candidate...heck some of us don't like everything about any candidate...however, at the end of the day we should try to pick the person who can win in situation like we find ourselves in now...and say that that person is Gov. Mitt Romney he has been the most consistent in the polls with out jumping up and down just steady as he goes...remember he will be president he does not write laws and he is only one person...

  5. The boomlets for Congresswoman Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and now Newt Gingrich demonstrate clearly that a very large number of Republicans are searching for an alternative to Governor Romney. As each of those candidacies has fallen, none of their supporters have moved to Governor Romney; they have moved to another candidate. Conservatives are NOT going to vote, much less work their hearts out, for a candidate who has been on every side of the great moral issues of our day. Indeed, what has been consistent about Governor Romney's candidacy is that he cannot get above 26% of the Republican electorate. Conservatives rightly want a candidate they can support without reservation, not another Ford, Dole or McCain.

    Winston Churchill once observed "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing, after they’ve tried everything else.” Conservative Republicans have tried most of the alternatives to Governor Romney and found them lacking. I believe that before the Iowa Caucuses and the South Carolina Primary, they will discover the authentic, consistent, experienced conservative in the race - Rick Santorum.
