
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Haley Less Popular than Obama in South Carolina

Poll: More disapprove of Haley’s job performance than approve

South Carolinians have soured on Nikki Haley, turning the relatively new governor from a national tea party favorite into a chief executive struggling to maintain support among members of her own party, the latest Winthrop University poll shows.

Only 34.6 percent of those surveyed – 1,073 registered S.C. Democrats, Republicans and independents – said they approved of Haley’s job performance, according to the poll. Far more – 43 percent – said they disapprove of the way the Republican is handling her job as governor. The poll’s margin of error was plus or minus 2.9 percent.

Haley’s approval rating is lower than that of President Obama, a Democrat, according to the poll. Obama has a 44.8 percent approval rating in strongly Republican South Carolina, according to the Winthrop poll.

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