
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Santorum Accepts Offer To Participate In "Lincoln-Douglas" Style Debate

Friday evening during an appearance on Fox News Channel's "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren, Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum accepted an offer to debate former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in a "Lincoln-Douglas" style debate in Iowa. The debate, organized by, was organized after former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney refused to debate Gingrich in a Human Events/RedState debate in Washington, DC.

Further information is forthcoming following acceptance by Speaker Gingrich's campaign.

Senator Santorum said: "Newt's been campaigning on doing Lincoln-Douglas style debates and I think it's a great idea - Count me in. The voters deserve more than 60 second sound bites, they deserve substance and real solutions to the problems facing our nation. This will be a great opportunity for the people of Iowa to learn more about us, our records, and our vision for America. Newt and I have been friends for 20 years, so this will be fun. Game on."

Mike Biundo, Santorm Campaign, said: "Maybe Mitt Romney didn't have the courage to debate Newt Gingrich, but Rick Santorum does. Yes, Speaker Gingrich is an ideas politician, but that doesn't mean all his ideas are good - an individual mandate for health care, amnesty for illegal immigrants, and Wall Street bailouts align closely with Barack Obama. Senator Santorum is a conviction candidate who has a record of consistent conservative successes, and he will put that record and his vision for a brighter America up against anyone."

To learn more about former Senator Rick Santorum, please visit

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