
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Your Preference for the GOP Presidential Nomination?

What Does The Prayer Really Say?, which is a very high traffic Catholic blog, has posted a GOP presidential candidates preference poll.  Whether you are Catholic or not, we encourage you to cast a vote in this poll.  You will find the results so far very interesting.  The poll is here.


  1. Have you or this blog endorsed Rick Santorum? Just wondering because I got that sense but wasn't sure. I am actually getting pretty excited about Santorum's candidacy. My only hope is that he is still in the race come South Carolina. He's got some strong support among traditional conservatives of all walks of life here in the Upstate.

    Love reading your blog too! As a fellow conservative Catholic and Anglofile as well!

  2. Thanks very much, Tommy, for your kind remarks. While I haven't written a formal endorsement of Rick Santorum, I strongly support him and believe that he is the best prepared, most experienced, consistent and principled conservative in the race. I will probably write an endorsement shortly after New Years.

    I think everything depends on Iowa for Santorum. If he can do well there, it will help him here.

    I'm very glad you have enjoyed the blog. If ever there is anything you would like me to post, or you have any suggestions or comments, please don't hesitate to let me know.

    Best wishes for a very blessed and happy Christmas.
