
Monday, January 30, 2012

Gary Glenn Reports on Surging Senate Campaign Against Washington Insider

Gary Glenn, candidate for the US Senate from Michigan, continues to make it look easy.  The pro-life, pro-right-to-work, TEA Party conservative has racked up wins in numerous debate straw polls against an 18 year incumbent who is backed by Jimmy Hoffa, voted for the Wall Street bailout, and supports gun control.

Here's the latest report from his surging campaign:

Dear Friends,

Our campaign continues to gather steam on straw poll wins.

Just last week I won the endorsement of the TEA Party group We the People of Mid-Michigan, defeating Clark Durant on a 57 to 17 vote. I’ve won straw polls following TEA Party-sponsored U.S. Senate debates in DeWitt and Richland, as well as straw polls (so far) by the Western Thumb and Clinton County TEA Parties.

In case you missed it, here’s news coverage of the Ottawa County TEA Party debate last week in which I confronted Washington, D.C. lobbyist and former 18-year congressman Pete Hoekstra about his voting record in Congress:
GRAND RAPIDS PRESS — “Glenn continually chastised Hoekstra’s voting record on major TEA Party issues, such as the Wall Street bailout and raising the debt ceiling, during his time in the U.S. House. ‘If you vote for the $850 billion Wall Street bailout and raising the debt ceiling to $11 trillion, then he’s the same as Debbie Stabenow,’ Glenn said, referring to the Democratic incumbent.
. . . Allegan County Tea Party member Kathy Kibby believed Glenn scored some points while challenging Hoekstra. ‘I believe Gary (Glenn) was speaking the truth,’ Kibby said. ‘Pete has to stand on his record, and there’s a lot there we don’t agree with, and Gary was bringing it out.’”  Read more here

I hope you’ll consider attending my campaign fundraiser this Saturday, Feb. 4th in Lansing at Tony M’s Restaurant. Enjoy dinner and a fun evening with Revolutionary War hero “Patrick Henry” and me. Click here for more details and to purchase tickets.

This week I’ll be speaking to the Jackson, Brighton, and VanKal TEA parties. Click here for the complete calendar of our campaign events.

Most importantly I must have your financial support to be able to quickly fund the direct mail, phone banks, petition gathering, and grassroots organization necessary to win the primary.

Please contribute whatever you can to my campaign today by clicking here, and please urge your family, friends, and others you know to also contribute by forwarding them this email.

Thank you so much for your generosity, your support, and your prayers.

Gary Glenn

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