
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gingrich's Ex Says Newt Asked Her For An Open Marriage

In these days when so many Americans of good will are seeking to restore America to the Constitutional, moral and economic pillars that secured its greatness, do we really want a serial adulterer and his mistress of 8 years in the White House? Will a couple like that inspire American renewal and provide an example for your children and the rest of the world? Will social conservatives who criticized Bill Clinton for his moral failings now defend moral turpitude? Do Republicans really want to betray America by offering merely the lesser of two evils? 

Think, South Carolina.

By John Matthews

WASHINGTON --  Newt Gingrich's second ex-wife says the former House Speaker lacks the 'moral character' to be President.   

In an interview with ABC's Brian Ross that was recorded last week and which will air in its entireity on television Thursday evening, Marianne Gingrich claims her husband asked her for an "open marriage."

"I said to him, ''We've been married a long time,', and he said, 'Yes, but you want me all to yourself.  Calista (Gingrich's current wife) doesn't care what I do,' said Marianne Gingrich in a clip released Thursday morning. "He was asking to have an open marriage, and I refused," she said. 

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