
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

50 Members of Congress Hold Press Conference on Legislation to Stop Obama Mandate

By Jill Stanek

The press thinks, and Democrats hope, the controversy surrounding President Obama’s contraception mandate issue has dissipated.

It hasn’t.

I wrote yesterday a vote is anticipated any time now in the Senate on Senator Roy Blunt’s measure, the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act.

Meanwhile, Congressman Jeff Fortenberry has introduced similar legislation in the House.

Both bills have the bipartisan support of 220 Members of Congress and Senators.

Today Congressman Fortenberry and 49 House and Senate colleagues will hold a news conference at 1p EST to promote the legislation, “which would protect the religious liberty and conscience rights of every American who objects to being forced by the strong-arm of government to pay for drugs and procedures recently mandated by the Department of Health and Human Services.”

Read the rest of this entry at LifeSiteNews >>

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