
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Michigan is Santorum Country, but Congrats to Mitt for Winning Detroit

Mitt Romney's razor thin margin in his home state over Rick Santorum will yield him the same number of delegates as those won by Senator Santorum.

The latest, unofficial reports indicate that Romney and Santorum will each gain 15 delegates from Michigan.  That Romney with unlimited funding barely managed to defeat an underfunded challenger in his home state is not a victory.  It is a disaster for the Romney campaign and another red flag warning that Romney is a seriously unpopular and weak candidate.

If GOP conservatives  want to avoid nominating another "Less of the Same" establishment RINO, Super Tuesday may be their last chance.  A win for Santorum in Georgia and Ohio on Super Tuesday will mean that today's Rockefeller Republicans have finally lost their lock on the GOP.  Wins for Romney in Ohio and Gingrich in Georgia may ensure a joyless convention and a replay of 1976, 1992, 1996 and 2008.  

Newt has lost any possibility of being the Republican nominee.  It's time to rally to the last conservative standing.  Georgia, please don't waste your votes.

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