
Friday, February 17, 2012

Michiganders Unite to Ensure the Election of a Conservative US Senator

Michigan for Conservative Senate surpasses 10,000 registered members!!!

Desperate to be rid of the liberal and unpopular Senator Debbie Stabenow, conservative activists throughout Michigan have pledged to unite behind a single, conservative Republican candidate in the August 7, 2012 GOP primary which will determine Stabenow's GOP challenger.

With registration still open, TEA Party/912/Patriot groups from across the state have organized Michigan 4 Conservative Senate.  The coalition of conservative grassroots organizations has already surpassed 10,000 registered members and is still growing.

"Many folks in Michigan are taking a pro-active approach in this U.S. Senate election and are willing to work together to provide the boots on the ground needed to elect a Constitutional Conservative to replace our current liberal Senator Debbie Stabenow," said MI4CS facilitator Cindy Gamrat. "This is grassroots in action, getting voters educated and involved,...what a great success this effort has become!"

"Almost daily there are reports of TEA Party groups around the state holding straw poll votes within their group to see which candidates they will be voting for at the MI4CS convention. Some are even polling their members through email if necessary. These informed TEA Party members have watched debates, read vetting questions, met the candidates, and discussed the merits of each the various candidates,"...said Gamrat.

These Tea Party leaders and some of their members will meet and participate in a straw poll vote to decide which U.S. Senate candidate will be endorsed by MI4CS.  The MI4CS Straw poll convention will take place at Centennial Hall in Mt. Pleasant, MI. from 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012.

To get the "Boots on the Ground" effort started right away, TEA Party leaders will be given petitions for the winning candidate to distribute to their groups to help collect the winning candidate's required signatures to get on the ballot by the May 15, 2012 deadline.

MI4CS's participating members will continue to work for their endorsed candidate to win the Republican primary on August 7, 2012 and then onto victory against Senator Stabenow in the general election on November 6, 2012.

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