
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Santorum Airs New Ad Anticipating Desperate Romney Smears

Because he doesn't have a record he can run on, at least not in a Republican primary, Mitt Romney and his Super PACs have spent over $20 million attacking and smearing his opponents.  Now that he is trailing in his home state of Michigan, the mud is flying again.  But Rick Santorum anticipated "moderate" Mitt's desperate tactics with this ad:

1 comment:

  1. Rombo don't really believe in the 2nd amendment and this here is probably the first time he's ever held a gun-no wonder he can't make the shot!!!

    But the actual reason he's not gonna beat Santorum is cause RICK IS THE REAL DEAL!!!

    Romney oddly claims to be "severely conservative" but Rick Santorum is authentically conservative!!!
