
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Santorum Overtakes Romney in Ohio

Rick Santorum: Proving that in the heartland character counts more than money.
A Quinnipiac University poll published Wednesday shows that Rick Santorum has now taken the lead in the Buckeye State.

According to Quinnipiac, Senator Santorum now leads Romney 36% to 29%, with the imploding campaign of Newt Gingrich trailing a distant third with 20%. 

It must be hard to leave the field after all the money Mitt has spent marketing a carefully manufactured image.  Perhaps he and Newt can work together developing space colonies, because as Margaret Thatcher once observed, "you can't make a souffle rise twice.  Truth is the daughter of time and the GOP electorate in the heartland can't be bought and has sorted out the principled, consistent conservative from the phonies. 

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