
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Andrew Breitbart: "Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant"

It is a great tragedy when any vital, young husband, father, son and friend dies unexpectedly. But the death of author, journalist and blogger Andrew Breitbart is a loss to every American who recognizes there is an epochal war being waged around us.  It is a conflict that has persisted through the ages between what is true, enlightened, good, beautiful and kind and that which is false, dark, brutal, ugly and intolerant.  It is a spiritual battle emanating from different kingdoms and we believe the final battle is close at hand. 

Andrew Breitbart was one, tough field commander in that battle whose untimely death today will be painfully felt in this critical election year.  May his brilliant, energetic, take-no-prisoners militancy for the sake of all that is true and noble in our culture inspire many, many more freedom fighters like him.  We have no doubt that he has already been welcomed into the joy of the Lord with the words "Well done, good and faithful servant."

The following is Andrew's address at the CPAC Conference a few weeks ago.

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