
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bauer Announces Candidacy for SC's New 7th Congressional District

From Carolina Live
By Taylor Williams

The former Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina announced his candidacy Monday for the new 7th congressional district.

André Bauer's first stop on his two-day announcement tour was in Darlington.

Bauer says he will grow our economy by creating jobs in the Pee Dee and on the Grand Strand.

"I feel like I have a background very unique for most people who have ever run for Congress because I've served in the Executive Branch. I have a background for doing things like Economic Development , so for me it's not just going to be a part of the legislative branch , you go up to Washington and vote. I want to be more than that. I want to be a diplomat for job creation," states Bauer.

Bauer is traveling around in his grandfather's 1967 van during his announcement tour. He say's it's a rolling petition for better government.

For a look at the other candidates, click here.

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