
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Super Night for Rick Santorum!

Rick Santorum had a great night last night with decisive wins in Tennessee, Oklahoma and North Dakota added to wins in Iowa, Missouri, Colorado and Minnesota.  That he lost Ohio by a hair, after being outspent 12 to 1 by his rival and independent pro Romney PACS, is not so much a loss by Santorum as another reminder that North and South, East and West, the broad mainstream of the Republican Party do not want the Massachusetts chameleon being foisted on us by the Republican establishment.

In every state except Massachusetts, there have been far more votes cast against the notorious flip-flopper, than for him.  And even in liberal Massachusetts many voters have misgivings about Romney's signature legislation, Romneycare, the forerunner to Obamacare.

It is time conservatives recognize there is only one viable, conservative alternative to the very weak and unappealing Massachusetts liberal.  Rick Santorum has demonstrated, again and again, a powerful connection with middle-Americans, independents, blue collar workers in those states which will determine the outcome of the November election.  Here in South Carolina, Mitt Romney connected with only one demographic -- those whose annual income exceeds $200,000.  His talk of $10,000 bets and multiple Cadillacs, and knowing all the venture capitalists who own and sponsor NASCAR, has done little to endear him to ordinary Americans.  Indeed, we believe he would be an even weaker candidate than the establishment's previous losers -- John McCain, Bob Dole and Gerald Ford.

The Republican nominating process has worked extremely well in exposing and ferreting out inadequate candidates.  It's now time for Republicans to vote strategically, to rally around the one principled, consistent, viable conservative remaining in the race, and ensure that Rick Santorum becomes the next President of the United States.  If you can help him financially, please do so here, but let us all pray for our country and ensure that this time the people nominate a man who knows to his core, the Office of the President must be of, by and for We the People.

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100% with the last part of your statement
    "but let us all pray for our country and ensure that this time the people nominate a man who knows to his core, the Office of the President must be of, by and for We the People.". Personally I want to vote for "NONE OF THE ABOVE". I'm ashamed of the showing all of our candidates have made so far. The back biting and negativity is certainly nothing Jesus would have been involved in.
