
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Rick Santorum's wins tonight in Alabama and Mississippi, on the heels of wins in so many other battleground states in the American heartland, pose a serious dilemma to an establishment hellbent on foisting a weak and bleeding candidate on the Republican Party.  Do they really want to take responsibility for the debacle that would be a Romney candidacy?  Does it really help to have a candidate who would lose, but by respectable margins in New York, Massachusetts and California, or do they want to beat Barack Hussein Obama where it matters, in the heartland battleground states?

David has confronted Goliath and keeps on winning. Outspent 10 and 12 to 1, Rick Santorum keeps connecting with average Americans who desperately want to save America from a hellish nightmare of debt, dependency, depression and ruin.  It's time -- long past time -- for Gingrich and Romney supporters to recognize there is one conservative candidate, untainted by scandal, whose principled and consistent record offers a stark contrast to the thug regime.  For the sake of America and a free and prosperous future, it is time for Republicans to rally around the candidate who is clearly the people's choice.

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