
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Coalition of Michigan TEA Parties Demonstrate Power of 'We the People'

MI4CS TEA Parties put Glenn on top with historic petition drive for U.S. Senate

By Cindy Gamrat

With an entire grassroots volunteer crew, Michigan TEA Parties led the way in collecting over 27,000 Nominating Signatures in just a few short months. Glenn filed 27,227 signatures at the Bureau of Elections to gain a spot on the ballot for the United States Senate primary on August 7th. Although many were saying he would not gather enough signatures to even make it on the ballot, at the time of filing, Glenn led the pack by filing the most signatures of any of the Republican U.S. Senate Candidates.

Signatures for Glenn’s petitions were collected as the result of dedicated and selfless efforts of hundreds of grassroots supporters and TEA Party Patriots from all 14 congressional districts and all 83 counties throughout Michigan. Signatures were collected in every county and at least 500 signatures were collected in each district to show the statewide grassroots strength behind Glenn.

Michigan 4 Conservative Senate (MI4CS) helped assemble the all-volunteer coalition of TEA Parties and individuals from around the State of Michigan. These volunteers were trained through conference calls, one on one, and personal phone calls. "We have been told over and over that there is no way that we could gather the required signatures through an all grassroots effort in such a short time. We've been told that it has never been done before. Well, we just did it! We are Americans and we are serious about our freedoms! The TEA Party was integral to the foundation of this country, and will also be vital in saving it."

MI4CS credits the successful framework of the Hoosiers 4 Conservative Senate and the Indiana TEA Parties strong defeat of 36 year incumbent Dick Lugar. According to Freeland TEA Party activist Catherine Zemanek, “The grassroots supporters of Richard Mourdock blazed the trail for the people of Indiana to take back their government, and we strongly believe that if it can happen in Indiana, it can happen here in Michigan. The people in the Midwest are speaking up loud and clear, and we want our values represented by true Conservatives. We are going to save this country, one state at a time.”

Utilizing the framework of the Indiana TEA party effort, MI4CS TEA Parties vetted all of the Republican candidates prior to choosing one candidate to endorse and support. Glenn won the vote and endorsement, providing the "Boots on the Ground" necessary for the petition drive, the upcoming primary, and the ultimate defeat of incumbent Senator Debbie Stabenow in November.

“Politicians from both political parties have demeaned and slandered Patriots and Conservatives repeatedly with homosexual slurs, lies, and labels such as radicals and terrorists. But in reality, we’re just concerned citizens with traditional values that nearly all Americans lived by and took for granted as normal in the ‘40s, ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s. Our parents raised us to be law-abiding, fiscally-responsible people just like most other Americans then and now, and we expect our elected representatives to act that way as well,” said Mi4CS 11th Congressional District Rep Tim Bos. “The status quo is unacceptable, and we’re willing to make the sacrifices required to change it. Getting a win for Richard Mourdock, and more than enough nominating signatures for Gary Glenn is further proof that we are not alone, we are not “dead”, we are not marginal, and indeed, we are a force to be reckoned with”. 

Cindy Gamrat is founder and facilitator of Michigan 4 Conservative Senate.

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