
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

More than 16,000 Sign Petition Opposing Sebelius Commencement Speech at Georgetown

The vindictive, cold and hateful Kathleen Sebelius
It is becoming an annual tradition where higher educational institutions, on the fringes of fidelity to the Catholic Church, feel the need to challenge their local bishop by inviting and honoring enemies of the Church at campus commencement ceremonies.  Not to be outdone by the adolescent behavior of Notre Dame in 2009, Georgetown University has landed no less than the Obama administration's point person for Church persecution - the embittered, excommunicated, pro-death champion, Kathleen Sebelius.

The quisling Sebelius has been granted the honor of speaking at a diploma ceremony for Georgetown University’s Public Policy Institute on Friday, May 18.  

In light of all that has transpired over the past year, it is hard to understand the mindset of those who claim to be within the Church and yet honor a notorious persecutor, who may yet force the closure of all of the Church's health and social service ministries.  Do they think they will be spared Sebelius' assaults on her former Church?

In response to this offensive move on the part of Georgetown University, the Cardinal Newman Society has posted a petition to protest this outrage here.  The Cardinal Newman Society has also alerted Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl and sent a letter to Georgetown President John DeGioia urging him to immediately withdraw the invitation.  We hope Georgetown alumni and donors will also make their views clear to university administrators.  This outrageous behavior must be painful to many Georgetown alumni.  Certainly, no faithful Catholic family would jeopardize a son or daughter's faith at such an institution.

In 2008, Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City reportedly told Sebelius, then a Roman Catholic, to stop receiving the Eucharist until she publicly recants her position on abortion and makes a “worthy sacramental confession.”  No road to Damascus conversion has yet been noted.

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